Anime Lost Simulator is a Roblox game that offers a thrilling experience for anime and manga fans, featuring a vast array of characters from popular series. Players can explore mystical islands, battle enemies to unlock new abilities, and collect and level up their favorite characters to lead them into combat against formidable foes, making it a must-play for those who love Japanese animation. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
35KLIKES | Use this code to get 50 Gems. |
45KLIKES | Use this code to get 250 Gems and 3 Potions of Each. |
Bugfix | Use this code to get 50 Gems. |
ConstellationsReturn1 | Use this code to get 1 Constellation Call and 1 Fruit Form. |
Delay | Use this code to get 50 Gems. |
FirstOfJune | Use this code to get Gems and Potions. |
GRIMORIES | Use this code to get free 250 Gems. |
INVASION | Use this code to get free 50 gems. |
NEWBOSSGEMS | Use this code to get 100 Gems. |
NODROPCOIN | Use this code to get 5 Potions, x2 Coin Drop, and one all Pot. |
Release | Use this code to get 25 Gems. |
SHUTDOWN1 | Use this code to get free rewards. |
SorryDelayBruuuuuh | Use this code to get Gems and Potions. |
SORRYFORSHUT | Use this code to get 50 Gems. |
SorryForUrNightFarm | Use this code to get 4K Gems. |
ThanksForWaiting | Use this code to get free rewards. |
UPDATE10 | Use this code to get 250 Gems and 4 Potions of Each. |
UPDATE12 | Use this code to get free rewards. |
UPDATE7.0 | Use this code to get 100 Gem. |
UPDATE8.0 | Use this code to get 250 Gems and 4 Potions of Each. |
UPDATE9.0 | Use this code to get 250 Gems and 4 Potions of Each. |
UPDATE9V3 | Use this code to get 250 Gems and 3 Potions of Each. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
1.5KLIKES | Use this code to get 5 gems. |
EASTERPT2 | Use this code to get 100 Gems. |
EGGBUGFIX | Use this code to get 50 Gems. |
ExtraShutdown | Use this code to get 50 Gems. |
IHATEBUGS | Use this code to get 30 gems. |
MINIUPDATE1 | Use this code to get 5 gems. |
Release | Use this code to get 25 Gems. |
SKILLSPITYBRUH | Use this code to get 500 Gems and 1 Potion of Each. |
SORRYBUGPOTION | Use this code to get 25 Gems. |
SORRYWEIRDBUG | Use this code to get 500 Gems and 5 Potions of Each. |
UPDATE3.0 | Use this code to get 100 Gems. |
UPDATE3.5 | Use this code to get 100 Gems. |
How to redeem Anime Lost Simulator Codes?
To redeem the Anime Lost Simulator codes, follow these steps: