In Anime Training Master, players take on the role of a guardian tasked with protecting their village from 9 invading monsters. To succeed, they must embark on a journey to find and reunite with their friends, train to increase their strength, and engage in intense battles against the monstrous invaders to ensure the safety of their fellow citizens and reclaim their village. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
Beautiful | Use this code to get free rewards. |
CoolDown | Use this code to get free rewards. |
NinjaStar | Use this code to get free rewards. |
noruto | Use this code to get free rewards. |
welcome | Use this code to get free rewards. |
YYDS | Use this code to get free rewards. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
DC100 | Use this code to get free rewards. |
How to redeem Anime Training Master Codes?
To redeem the Anime Training Master codes, follow these steps: