Anime Last Stand is a captivating tower defense game on Roblox, blending traditional gameplay with an anime twist. Players deploy anime character units to defend their base from waves of enemies, also drawn from various anime franchises. With a diverse cast of characters from popular series like One Piece, Dragon Ball, Berserk, and Fullmetal Alchemist, this game offers a unique and exciting experience for anime fans and tower defense enthusiasts alike. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
AdmiralsUPD | Use this code to get 750 Emeralds. |
AriseWakeyWakey | Use this code to get 10 Rerolls. |
BannerFix!?! | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls. |
BannerFixed? | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
BossStudio1stUpd | Use this code to get 1000 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls. |
BossStudiosTakeover! | Use this code to get 1500 Emeralds and 15 Rerolls. |
BugFixesTeehee | Use this code to get 1000 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls. |
CaleBTheHero | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
CongratsMrBeast1Billion | Use this code to get Beast Ultimate |
CongratsMrBeast1Billion2 | Use this code to get Beast Ultimate. |
ConverterFix?! | Use this code to get 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
DelayedUpdate | Use this code to get 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
FollowJULLGRINDSonTwitch | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds. |
Glitched | Use this code to get 5 Rerolls. |
GrindRerollsFromChallenges! | Use this code to get 1000 Emeralds. |
HappyEaster | Use this code to get 1000 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
LongMaitenanceLimitedCode | Use this code to get 15 Rerolls. |
ONEHUNDREDMILLION | Use this code to get a Bobak Exotic unit. |
OPMUpdate | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls. |
QOLUPD! | Use this code to get 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
REDGATE?! | Use this code to get 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
SaviourCaleB | Use this code to get 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
SOLOPREPARING! | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls. |
Sub2BmGTormenter117onYT | Use this code to get 150 Emeralds. |
Sub2CodeNex77k | Use this code to get 150 Emeralds. |
Sub2KingLuffy | Use this code to get 150 Emeralds. |
Sub2MayyjeeeOrCodeWontWork | Use this code to get 150 Emeralds. |
Sub2NagBloxonYT | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds. |
Sub2Noclypso176k | Use this code to get 150 Emeralds and 3 Rerolls. |
Sub2SebbyastianonYT | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds. |
Sub2Shock | Use this code to get 150 Emeralds. |
Sub2UniversalPantheronYT | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds. |
Sub2ZerozKinger1MilSubs | Use this code to get 150 Emeralds. |
TorSavedALS | Use this code to get 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
ToTheFuture!! | Use this code to get 1500 Emeralds and 15 Rerolls. |
Update3 | Use this code to get 10 Rerolls and 1000 Emeralds. |
Update5! | Use this code to get 1000 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls. |
X7Weekend! | Use this code to get 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
How to redeem Anime Last Stand Codes?
To redeem the Anime Last Stand codes, follow these steps: