Dragon Ball: The Breakers is a survival game where seven ordinary citizens must cooperate to escape a temporal rift while being hunted by the Raider, a powerful enemy from another timeline. As players progress, they can collect rewards, unlock new abilities, and acquire rare items to enhance their characters. The game combines exploration, combat, and accomplishment, with the Raider growing stronger the longer players linger, creating a thrilling and challenging experience based on the iconic Dragon Ball universe. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
8QPCSU | Use this code to get 5,000 Super Warrior Spirits. |
9NZNRT | Use this code to get x1 1st Anniversary Tickets. |
ARLTHV | Use this code to get 10k Zeni. |
DG5Y6N | Use this code to get Super Warrior Spirits or some gift. |
DLKMZ9 | Use this code to get x3 Spirit Siphon Tickets. |
DT9EFZ | Use this code to get x1 1st Anniversary Ticket. |
E8VJPY | Use this code to get 5k Super Warrior Spirits. |
F7AWUL | Use this code to get 10k Zeni. |
GVY2XJ | Use this code to get 2 Spirit Siphon Tickets. |
JALY8F | Use this code to get 5,000 Super Warrior Spirits. |
LER3XT | Use this code to get x1 1st Anniversary T-Shirt (Red). |
M4S6GG | Use this code to get x3 Season 4 Summoning Tickets. |
QT4EYA | Use this code to get 30k Zeni. |
QT9D8W | Use this code to get Spirit Siphon Ticket. |
SJRDKH | Use this code to get x2 Spirit Siphon Tickets. |
U2X8WC | Use this code to get 10k Zeni. |
UK4NMT | Use this code to get a 1st Anniversary Ticket. |
VD6KY5 | Use this code to get x2 1st Anniversary Tickets. |
XA57LN | Use this code to get x3 1st Anniversary Tickets, and 2 Season 4 Summoning Tickets. |
XG5CCA | Use this code to get Super Warrior Spirits or some gift. |
Z7HPMV | Use this code to get x2 1st Anniversary Tickets. |
ZGEUJ4 | Use this code to get Super Warrior Spirits or some gift. |
ZHR5WS | Use this code to get a 1st Anniversary Tickets. |
Expiry Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
How to redeem Dragon Ball The Breakers Codes?
To redeem the Dragon Ball The Breakers codes, follow these steps: