Astral Fable is a 3D anime-style MMORPG for Android and iOS, set in a self-created universe where Heaven and Devildom are at war. Players embark on a journey to defeat monsters, unlock spectacular skills, and explore the world with companions, including pets and a chosen partner, providing a sense of camaraderie and support.
Additionally, players can join guilds to collaborate with others and save the world together, making Astral Fable a social and engaging gaming experience with a rich narrative and adorable anime aesthetics. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
No any active codes are available.
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
Bean0106 | Use this code to get the reward. |
HEREWEGO2023 | Use this code to get the reward. |
RabbitYear | Use this code to get the reward. |
RubberDucky | Use this code to get the reward. |
tryagain | Use this code to get the reward. |
YeahYear2023 | Use this code to get the reward. |
How to redeem Astral Fable Codes?
To redeem the Astral Fable codes, follow these steps:
- Start the Astral Fable game on your Android or iOS device.
- Tap the four boxes (More option) located above the Battling option.
- Select the Benefit gift box from the drop-down menu.
- Navigate to the Redeem tab.
- Enter the codes into the provided blank field.
- Click the Claim button to instantly receive your rewards.