Anime World Tower Defense, a captivating game that combines swift enemies and diverse units. Assemble a team of beloved anime heroes and deploy them to defend your base against formidable foes. With a simple yet engaging objective, collect your favorite characters and put them to work defending your base in an action-packed adventure that will test your skills and leave you craving for more. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
1MGolds | Use this code to get free rewards. |
GodShinobi | Use this code to get free rewards. |
SubToBlamSpot | Use this code to get free rewards. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
100MVisit | Use this code to get free rewards. |
10MVisits | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
125KFav | Use this code to get free rewards. |
1MVISIT | Use this code to get 50k Gold and 25 Puzzle pieces. |
20KLikes | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
20MVisit | Use this code to get 20 Reroll and 2K puzzle pieces. |
25KLikes | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
30KActiveTysm | Use this code to get free rewards. |
30MVisits | Use this code to get 30 Reroll and 3K Puzzle Pieces. |
35KLikes | Use this code to get 35 Reroll and 3.5K Puzzle Pieces. |
75KFAV | Use this code to get 750 Puzzle Pieces. |
75MVisit | Use this code to get free rewards. |
Arrancar | Use this code to get 15 Reroll and 1.5K Puzzle Pieces. |
Atomic | Use this code to get 10 Rerolls and 1K Puzzle Pieces. |
AWTDRELEASE | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle pieces.. |
AWTDRIVIVE | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
BlamSpot | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
DELAYUPDATE | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
DemonHunt | Use this code to get 15 Rerolls and 1.2K Puzzle Pieces. |
EarlyChristmas | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
End | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
Fate | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
FateUpdateDelay | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
FreeGold | Use this code to get Free Gold. |
GAMERELEASE | Use this code to get free coins. |
GETREADYTOUPDATE4 | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
GrandReaper | Use this code to get 15 Reroll and 1.5K Puzzle Pieces. |
HaPpYAnImeW0RlD1stAn1veRsaRy | Use this code to get exclusive gifts and free rewards. |
HappyChristmas | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
HappyNewYear2024 | Use this code to get free rewards. |
HappyNewYears | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
KingLuffy | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
LateSummer | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
MyHero | Use this code to get 15 Reroll and 1.5K Puzzle Pieces. |
New_6Mvisit | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
New_SorryForSummonAndStoryBugged | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
New_SorryWeCantRestoreYourUnitUpgradeTUT | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
New_Yosha! | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
NewSecret1 | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
Noclypso | Use this code to get 25 Puzzle pieces. |
OitnaiWorkHard | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
PF2BUpdate | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
PirateKing | Use this code to get 15 Reroll and 1.5K Puzzle Pieces. |
PowerReaper | Use this code to get 15 Reroll and 1.5K Puzzle Pieces. |
ProTurtle | Use this code to get Gold & Puzzle. |
QuincyInvation | Use this code to get 15 Reroll and 1.5K Puzzle Pieces. |
ShadowMonarch | Use this code to get free rewards. |
SorryForBug | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
SorryForQuestBug | Use this code to get free rewards. |
SRY4SHUTDOWN | Use this code to get Puzzle pieces. |
SryForShutDownTooMuch | Use this code to get 15 Rerolls and 1.2K Puzzle Pieces. |
STARDUSTCRUSADERS | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
SubToKingLuffy | Use this code to get free rewards. |
UchigoDaigan | Use this code to get free rewards. |
UnitFollowingIsBack | Use this code to get Gold and Puzzle Pieces. |
Update5 | Use this code to get 10 Reroll and 1K puzzle pieces. |
XboxSupport | Use this code to get 1,000 Gold and 50 Puzzle Pieces. |
How to redeem Anime World Tower Defense Codes?
To redeem the Anime World Tower Defense codes, follow these steps:
- Click the Options button featuring three horizontal and vertical lines.
- Choose Settings (gear icon) located at the bottom of the screen.
- Scroll down to find the Codes text box.
- Enter the provided working codes from the list into the text box.
- Finally, press the Enter button to instantly redeem AWTD codes.