Anime Universe Simulator, a Roblox game where you collect unique anime characters from your favorite shows and send them into battle. Explore the world, defeat enemies, and earn Yen to roll for more powerful units. To aid you in your journey, redeem Anime Universe Simulator codes to acquire valuable potions, such as super potions, damage potions, and luck potions, making combat easier and increasing drop rates. As you progress, build a formidable team and conquer challenges to become the ultimate anime champion. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
5KLIKES | Use this code to get 1x Damage Potion. |
INFINITYxDUNGEON | Use this code to get free rewards. |
onepunch | Use this code to get free rewards. |
QUIRKY | Use this code to get free rewards. |
RUMBLING | Use this code to get free rewards. |
sry4shutdown | Use this code to get 3x Cursed Note. |
SWORDSMITH | Use this code to get free rewards. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
1GRAND | Use this code to get 1x Yen Potion. |
BIZARRE | Use this code to get 1x Luck Potion and 1x Cursed Note. |
release | Use this code to get 1x Luck Potion & 1x Cursed Note. |
How to redeem Anime Universe Simulator Codes?
To redeem the Anime Universe Simulator codes, follow these steps:
- Start Anime Universe Simulator on Roblox.
- Click the small “Twitter bird” icon located on the left side of your screen.
- Copy a valid code from our list and paste it into the provided text box.
- Click the “Green Arrow” button to redeem your free gifts instantly.