Anime Spirits is a thrilling fighting game on Roblox, where players can embark on global adventures, utilizing diverse Souls (abilities) inspired by popular anime series. Drawing inspiration from the hit anime series One Piece, this game offers a pirate-themed experience, similar to Blox Fruits. Players can explore the high seas, engage in combat with bandits, and complete quests, living the life of a pirate seeking excitement and adventure. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
10KLIKES | Use this code to get free spins, gems and double XP for 30 mins. |
20KLIKESYEAHH | Use this code to get free spins and gems. |
25KLIKES | Use this code to get free spins and gems. |
2MILLVISITS | Use this code to get free spins. |
30KLIKES | Use this code to get free spins and gems. |
35KLIKESYESS | Use this code to get free spins and gems. |
GOJOUNSEALEDAWK | Use this code to get free spins and gems. |
MOREFIXES | Use this code to get double XP for 15 minutes. |
THANKYOU40KLIKES | Use this code to get free spins and gems. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
2NEWPERKS | Use this code to get the reward. |
ANOTHERFIX | Use this code to get the reward. |
AWKSONGJINVOO | Use this code to get the reward. |
CHRISTMASPART1 | Use this code to get the reward. |
CURSEDFINGER | Use this code to get the reward. |
DAILYREWARDSFIX | Use this code to get the reward. |
EVENMOREFIXES | Use this code to get the reward. |
EXPYEAHH | Use this code to get the reward. |
FORTHEFIXES | Use this code to get the reward. |
GOJOHBUGFIXES! | Use this code to get the reward. |
GOJOHUPDATE | Use this code to get the reward. |
ITADORUSHARD | Use this code to get the reward. |
ITADORUUPDATE | Use this code to get the reward. |
MYTHICALSAKUNO | Use this code to get the reward. |
MYTHICCID | Use this code to get the reward. |
MYTHICGILGAMESH | Use this code to get the reward. |
MYTHICGOJOH | Use this code to get the reward. |
MYTHICOGUKBLUE | Use this code to get the reward. |
MYTHICRIMURO | Use this code to get the reward. |
MYTHICSONGJINVOO | Use this code to get the reward. |
NIGHTGUYUPDATE | Use this code to get the reward. |
NPCFIXES | Use this code to get the reward. |
RIMUROSHARD | Use this code to get the reward. |
SANTASGIFT | Use this code to get the reward. |
SIXEYE | Use this code to get the reward. |
SONGJINVOO | Use this code to get the reward. |
THESTATUE | Use this code to get the reward. |
VALENTINES | Use this code to get the reward. |
YOUNGGOJOH | Use this code to get the reward. |
YUTOAWAKEN | Use this code to get the reward. |
YUTOUPDATE | Use this code to get the reward. |
How to redeem Anime Spirits Codes?
To redeem the Anime Spirits codes, follow these steps:
- Start Anime Spirits by clicking here and select Play.
- Click the Menu button, then choose Codes.
- Enter the code in the provided field.
- Click Redeem to activate your code.