In Anime Force Simulator, a thrilling Roblox game, venture across islands, complete quests, and level up your character. Collect and equip powerful heroes from diverse anime dimensions to boost your strength. Engage in battles against formidable foes, gather coins, and set sail to new islands to explore and discover more. With Anime Force Simulator codes, unlock exciting rewards like coin boosts, power boosts, and gifts to accelerate your progress and dominate the game. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
1kLikes | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
1MVISITS | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
2MVISITS | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
5KLIKES | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
Astazx | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
BlackWolf | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
CursedCode | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
Daetoi | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
DEFENSE | Use this code to get 2 Tickets. |
DELAYUPDATE | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
DRAGON | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
FWREPORT | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
FwUpdate | Use this code to get 3 Keys, Energy Boost, Lucky Boost & Coin Boost. |
HunterUpdate | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
HunterUpdate | Use this code to get 1 Keys. |
Maranto | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
MiniUpdate | Use this code to get Energy Boost & Coin Boost. |
MOUNT | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
Nefron2K | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
NEWDIMENSION | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
NEWSERVERS | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
PassiveUpdate | Use this code to get five passive tokens. |
PheDutra | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
Release | Use this code to get Double power and Double coins boost. |
Release | Use this code to get Energy Boost & Coin Boost. |
Sh4dowblox5k | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
SMALLUPDATE | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
SorryBugs | Use this code to get Double power, Double lucky, and Double coin boosts. |
SorryBugs | Use this code to get Energy Boost, Lucky Boost & Coin Boost. |
SORRYBUGS1 | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
SorryForShutdown | Use this code to get Energy Boost, Lucky Boost & Coin Boost. |
StefanRecYT | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
UpdateBuff | Use this code to get 2 Keys. |
UpdateDelay | Use this code to get three passive tokens. |
UpdateNerf | Use this code to get 2 Keys, Energy Boost & Coin Boost. |
UPDATERAGNAROK | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
UPDATESTANDS | Use this code to get free rewards and exclusive gifts. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
How to redeem Anime Force Simulator Codes?
To redeem the Anime Force Simulator codes, follow these steps: