Anime Ball is one of the fantastic games on Roblox. In this game, many players are sent in a field, and a ball is thrown at them from above. If the player successfully blocks the ball coming towards them, they will survive. If they fail to block the ball, it will blast them. The list of Anime Ball codes is given below.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
124000LIKES | Use this code to get 2 Spins. |
15MTHANKS | Use this code to get a 1 Yen boost. |
35MIL | Use this code to get 2 Spins. |
400kgroupmembersyo | Use this code to get 750 Yen. |
450KFANS | Use this code to get a 1 Yen boost. |
85KLIKES | Use this code to get 2 Spins. |
animeballiscool | Use this code to get 700 Yen. |
BESTGAME2020 | Use this code to get free rewards. |
FIREUPDATE! | Use this code to get 900 Yen. |
GAMEISALIVE! | Use this code to get 2 Spins. |
newupdateyoo! | Use this code to get 2 Spins. |
PROGAME! | Use this code to get 1 Spin. |
Rainbow! | Use this code to get Rainbow. |
SECRETCODE | Use this code to get 200 Yen. |
SORRY4DELAY | Use this code to get a 1 Yen boost. |
THE0NEP1ECEISREAL | Use this code to get 1 Luck boost. |
TOURNEYSARECOOL | Use this code to get 600 Yen. |
YOURETHEBEST | Use this code to get 750 Yen. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
1MVISITS | Use this code to get free rewards. |
24KLIKED | Use this code to get free rewards. |
250KPLAYED | Use this code to get free rewards. |
2KLIKES | Use this code to get free rewards. |
LIKED4KTIMES | Use this code to get free rewards. |
OMG10MVISITS | Use this code to get free rewards. |
RELEASE | Use this code to get free rewards. |
sadboi999 | Use this code to get free rewards. |
THISISANIMEBALL | Use this code to get free rewards. |
THISISNOTBLADEBALL | Use this code to get free rewards. |
VISITED2MILLION | Use this code to get free rewards. |
WEHAVE5MVISITS | Use this code to get free rewards. |
YOO45KLIKES | Use this code to get free rewards. |
How to redeem Anime Ball Codes?
To redeem the Anime Ball codes, follow these steps:
- Begin by opening Anime Army on your Roblox platform.
- Navigate to the Cobes option (Twitter icon) located on the left side of your screen.
- Input the active codes into the designated field.
- Once you’ve entered the codes, press Redeem to claim your rewards immediately.