LightBreak is a story-based, cozy musical puzzle game that centers on themes of family, communication, and adventure. The game follows Ava, a girl who has lost her voice and uses a mystical musical instrument called The Saaz to record her memories and communicate her story.
Ava’s journey is one of healing and expression, using the power of music to convey her emotions and experiences. She uses The Saaz, an enchanted artifact, to play music that narrates her silent world, especially to her blind mother. The game explores the deep bond between them and how music becomes their bridge for connection.
Game Features
Innovative Audio-Driven Game Design
Adaptive Music Creation:
LightBreak features a unique audio-driven design where the game’s audio adapts to the player’s actions. The game is composed of versatile musical blocks, allowing players to create harmonized sounds that turn gameplay into a spontaneous musical canvas.
Gripping, Heartfelt Narrative
Emotional Journey:
The narrative delves into Ava’s silent world, where her music becomes the medium to tell her story. This journey intertwines themes of family, connection, and unspoken communication, offering a deeply resonant emotional experience.
Aesthetics and Graphics
Visual Identity:
The game boasts a unique visual style that leverages color theory and abstract art. The beautifully crafted scenes are reactive to various layers of the game soundtrack, creating an immersive experience where visuals and audio are intricately connected.
LightBreak is a relaxing and immersive musical puzzle game that invites players into Ava’s world, where music and visuals combine to tell a poignant story of loss, connection, and healing.