Cherry Tale is a recently released anime-based role-playing game (RPG) where players can engage in turn-based battles with monsters, aided by powerful angels with unique abilities. The game features high-quality artwork and H scenes, offering an immersive experience. Players can claim angels, each possessing distinct powers and skills, to aid in the fight against monster dominance. The game can be downloaded from its official website, inviting players to explore its engaging storyline, captivating visuals, and thrilling gameplay. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
6Rwa49rWbEDK | Use this code to get the reward. |
Dragonboat23 | Use this code to get the reward. |
f6GtazP7tvT9 | Use this code to get the reward. |
fUgtMpamhbnD | Use this code to get the reward. |
GGmk6xDH8yVF | Use this code to get the reward. |
ILoveCT | Use this code to get the reward. |
jHfSw7PmKuTF | Use this code to get the reward. |
M8tfK6WatFn | Use this code to get the reward. |
Many10Zongzi | Use this code to get the reward. |
mw9R6MzdiQrB | Use this code to get the reward. |
RaL7ryU3QP7r | Use this code to get the reward. |
Rea1garwine | Use this code to get the reward. |
TentacleTale | Use this code to get the reward. |
v4rroqyenvZv | Use this code to get the reward. |
welcometoCT | Use this code to get the reward. |
xeZ7oPpx5MrE | Use this code to get the reward. |
Zongzi | Use this code to get the reward. |
Expiry Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
cherrytale1m | Use this code to get the reward. |
e77aHWPZAM9S | Use this code to get the reward. |
M6hPszHCeXL5 | Use this code to get the reward. |
pEggmqmiceSf | Use this code to get the reward. |
How to redeem Cherry Tale Codes?
To redeem the Cherry Tale codes, follow these steps: