In Anime Rising Fighting, a Roblox game, players embark on a quest-driven journey to level up their characters and unlock upgrades. Defeating enemies generates power, which can be used to unlock essences and boosts, making characters more powerful. The game offers various boosts, including free power, potions, and temporary power increases. Anime Rising Fighting codes provide freebies that accelerate the leveling process, granting free levels, power, and potions to enhance damage output and hasten rank-ups. By leveraging these codes, players can rapidly progress and dominate the game. The list of codes for this game is provided below, and you can redeem any of them.
Active Codes
Here are the codes that are currently working. You can use these Roblox codes to get free rewards in the game.
Codes | Description |
10KLIKES | Use this code to get free Rewards. |
1KLIKES | Use this code to get free Rewards. |
1MVISITS! | Use this code to get Free Boosts. |
2KLIKES | Use this code to get 3 Power Potions. |
2MILLIONVISITS | Use this code to get 2 Luck Potions. |
5KLIKES! | Use this code to get Free Boosts. |
BIZAREWORLD | Use this code to get Free Rewards. |
CHAINSAW | Use this code to get free Rewards. |
DARKCLOVER | Use this code to get Free Boosts. |
GRIMOIRES | Use this code to get Free Rewards. |
HEROWORLD | Use this code to get Free Rewards. |
HOLLOWWORLD | Use this code to get Free Boosts. |
IHAVEROBLOX | Use this code to get 2 Power Potions. |
KAIZEMWORLD | Use this code to get 2 Luck Potions. |
ONEHITMAN | Use this code to get Free Rewards. |
RAGNAROK | Use this code to get Free Boosts. |
Release | Use this code to get 100 Power. |
SAINS | Use this code to get free Rewards. |
SORRYFORTIMETRIAL | Use this code to get Free Boosts. |
SORRYFORTRIAL | Use this code to get 500 Cards. |
SORRYFORTRIAL2 | Use this code to get Free Rewards. |
SRRYFORRAIDS | Use this code to get 2 Power Potions. |
TRIALS | Use this code to get free Rewards. |
UPDATE3 | Use this code to get Free Boosts. |
UPDATE4 | Use this code to get Free Rewards. |
UPDATE6 | Use this code to get free Rewards. |
Expired Codes
Expired codes are those that have stopped working in the game. We’ll keep updating this list whenever codes expire.
Codes | Description |
ANTWORLD | Use this code to get 2 Damage Potions. |
RAIDREWRITE | Use this code to get 3 Power Potions. |
How to redeem Anime Rising Fighting Codes?
To redeem the Anime Rising Fighting codes, follow these steps: