This save file for Amber: Journeys Beyond provides a fully completed game, with 100% of the content unlocked. It allows exploration of all aspects of the game.
AMBER: Journeys Beyond is an adventure game with a horror story. It follows the style of Myst-like first-person adventure games but also has its own unique features. AMBER stands for “Astral Mobility by Electromagnetic Resonance,” a special device created by Dr. Roxanna, a scientist who studies paranormal activities.
To test this device, she moves into an old, abandoned mansion that people say is haunted by ghosts. During her research, she discovers that the rumors are true. But after some time, she stops responding to calls. Her friend, Joe, gets worried and asks you, the player, to investigate what happened to her.
To help Roxanna and the spirits in the mansion, you must use the AMBER device, which lets you experience ghost stories through dreams. Each ghost’s story is shown in a unique way. For example, if you investigate the death of a girl from the 1940s, the scene will be in black and white, with old-fashioned music playing in the background.
Once you understand the reason behind each spirit’s suffering, you can finally help Roxanna too. The game has puzzles where you use objects, as well as Myst-style mechanical and number-based puzzles. However, the main focus is on exploring and uncovering the story.
In the ghost-related parts of the game, there are no objects to collect—your goal is to explore and find the truth about why the spirits are still connected to the world of the living.
Installation Instructions
Save Game Folder Location
In the game installation directory.
Amber: Journeys Beyond Save Game Details
Amber: Journeys Beyond is a fully completed game with all levels unlocked, allowing players to explore its eerie and immersive world without restrictions. You can also take a look at our guide for the AM2R Save Game to experience another interesting game.